Five Ps Philosophy
We live by our values of honesty, transparency, accountability and continuous learning, which helped us create our philosophy to align vision, strategy and incentives:
Principles. Fundamental belief in right and wrong is the foundational pillar for all successful business. Do things right and do the right thing, period.
Process. If you do something more than a few times, document and automate it to free up senior talent and provide ownership responsibilities for more junior level staff.
Perspective/Planning. The only constant is change. Continued success is therefore a moving target, especially if you plan to broaden your product set, market exposure or client base. Old economy, static assumptions need to be replaced with dynamic, orthogonal, 360 degree decision making.
Partnership. In short, approach matters. The only sure path to robust, extensible capabilities is commitment to a partnership mindset with key talent both inside and outside your organization. e.g. IT and Business, Cross Department, Vendors, Regulators, Trusted business & technology domain experts, etc.
People. Your firm’s competitive advantage starts and ends with the people you hire, whether full time employees or contract consultants. Reputations take years to create but can be irrevocably damaged in a matter of days or even hours. The right person for the task at hand must also be able to grow in knowledge, sphere of influence and impact over the long haul. We believe in the “multiplication effect” which results from surrounding oneself with the best, brightest continuous learning talent, such that the combined impact far outweighs the sum of the individual efforts.
“I have witnessed Bob’s hiring, mentoring, and managing and was often impressed how he could discern, attract, and retain the best and the brightest talent.”