Partner Profile
Maker Turtle
Digital Strategy, Tactics, Advisory, Leadership, Research & Publishing.
MakerTurtle, led by Jim MacLennan, provides three Digital Transformation service offerings:
Digital Strategy Workshop.
Where to Start: Help the customer understand the Why (value creation) and the How (digital transformation defined) Define a roadmap that shows how to get value along the way.
What We Do: Workshops to define Why and How based on the Customers’ business.
What You Get: Roadmap of projects, aligned to objectives and Sample business cases that describe project value in terms that make sense to the Customer.
What Does Good Look Like?
What to do Next:
Use a Digital Maturity Model (survey / report out) to capture Current State of your digital transformation.
Benchmark your current state against the “Good” norm and companies in similar industries.
Establish process to target your next project / initiative; what will “move the needle”.What We Do: Work with customer to complete WDGLL survey, provide benchmarks, define targeting process.
What You Get: Reusable survey and targeting process, ongoing access to latest benchmarking data.
Digital Transformation Playbook.
How to Manage Innovation for Success:
A structured, simple, high-level project communications method suitable for internal change projects and/or product development.
Drives consistent definitions for Objectives and Business Value.
Pulls in all aspects of the business – Finance, Operations, Legal, Customer Service – at the right time.
Establishes stage-gates that foster innovation while keeping control of runaway projects.
What We Do: Customize Playbook to match Customer Norms, then Train and Implement playbook processes.
What You Get: Stage-gate process that ties to your Strategy, encourages innovation, and provides controls against runaway investments.
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